Sales of artists' work goes back to the families. Families receive needed supplies for clothing textiles and jewlery
Sales of artists' work goes back to the families. Families receive needed supplies for clothing textiles and jewlery
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This is a Yucatan-style huipil, or traditional women's dress. This is the "new style" it is sewn by hand on a netting that provides the uniform spacing between stitches. This is still one-stitch at a time but reflects the change in the creation process.
close up of the head opening
With the introduction of high quality cotton fabrics in various colors, women are exploring new color blends this hand-sewn huipil is a more traditional floral pattern. This hand-embroidery is on both sides and made with a thicker thread than the silk thread used on the 1930's single stitch Singer.
This blouse shows an exquisite example opened fabric.
This is a Yucatan huipil or traditional dress. It was made on a 1930'2 single stitch Singer. It is an example of the opened fabric and crochet
Close up of crochet detail